Fatal Crash Outside Cleveland
The victim is a well known Portland chef who was struck while riding her bicycle

Clarion photo Portland.Gov
During lunch Tuesday, Oct. 4, a bicyclist who was traveling north along 26th Avenue at the intersection at Powell Avenue was struck by an oncoming semi truck. The biker was pronounced dead at the scene, according to a Portland Police Bureau press release.
The intersection was blocked off for all traffic, and a lock-in and team response was called on the school’s intercom system.
The victim was later identified by police as Sarah N. Pliner, 50, of Portland.
Pliner was a well known chef and former owner of the Northeast restaurant Aviary, which closed in 2020.
Students who witnessed the crash and have not yet spoken with police, are being asked to please contact [email protected], attention to Traffic Investigations Unit, and reference case number 22-266862, or call (503)823-2103. No response has been given by Portland Police on who was at fault and updates to this incident can be found on Portland Police’s Twitter @portlandpolice or at the link below https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm?id=442534.
Hello! My name is Henry Callahan and this is my 4th year on the Clarion. I spent my first 3 years writing for the News team and now I am the Online Editor....