Reconnected: A Homecoming To Remember
Homecoming’s traditions are coming back, including the dance, the first one since 2019
Cleveland High School hosted its first homecoming in three years on Oct. 21.
Despite doubts some had about the event, the dance did not disappoint. An estimated 668 students from all classes came and participated in the event. It lasted for an hour and a half, filled with music, dancing, and lots of socializing.
Initially, students weren’t sure what to expect going into the dance. Many students were concerned about the safety and there was overall concern about the lack of communication and planning that had been done.
“The communication has been kind of lackluster, and too casual for something that is usually a big deal,” said Cleveland student, Hazel Alperin, prior to the dance.
Another major concern about this year’s dance was the safety, and particularly around the topic of sexual assault. This year, students were required to sign a “dance pledge,” saying that they will abide by the rules for the safety and comfort of everyone.
However, students had their doubts about how much this form would actually do.
“Historically, looking at how security and administration have handled situations in the past surrounding sexual assault and other Title IX violations, they do a really poor job,” said Cleveland sophomore Liliana Shaykin. “It causes issues because it makes people think they can get away with things, because they do.”
Safety at school is very important, especially at a traditional and fun high school event like homecoming. Fortunately this year, there were no reported safety concerns.
Part of the reason students were so unsure about the outcome of this dance was because so few students have ever attended a Cleveland dance before. Due to the pandemic, most of their high school years have been spent online.
In the previous homecoming in 2019, very few students attended the dance. Since then, homecoming has been postponed because of Covid precautions and for the safety of everyone.
Regardless of the doubts and rumors, the leadership class tried their best to make sure this year’s dance was a good one.
“This year our main goal was just to bring everyone together and create more school spirit,” said advanced leadership student Evan Burke-Doyle.
When asked about their time at the dance, students were enthusiastic to talk about it.
“In my experience, I had a really fun time. So many people showed up to support, and the music and lights were great,” said Shaykin.
The theme of “a Night Under the Stars” seemed perfect for the occasion with balloons everywhere and lights strung up around the gym. The blasting music, excitement, and colorful lights created a fun atmosphere, making a successful night.

My name is Kaya, and I am the Co-Editor in Chief on the Cleveland Clarion! I am a senior at Cleveland and this is my third year in journalism, my...