Cleveland’s First Winter Formal Dance Since Before The Covid-19 Pandemic Scheduled for Feb. 4

Ever since the Covid-19 outbreak in early spring of 2020, Cleveland has lost a lot of social events, including sports games, assemblies, graduation ceremonies being limited and dances. This past fall, Cleveland hosted the first homecoming dance since the fall of 2019, and it was a huge success. As a result, the leadership class decided to bring back the winter formal dance. Pre-pandemic, Cleveland had a tradition of hosting a winter formal every year, but the last one, which would have occurred in February, 2020, got canceled due to spiking Covid cases.

The Winter Formal Dance is scheduled for Feb. 4 from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. in the gym. The theme is “The Snow Ball,” which has a snowy, wintery vibe. Although formal wear is encouraged, the dress code is semi-formal, but you won’t be denied entry if you aren’t dressed in said attire. The only item of clothing not allowed are heels, because they damage the wooden gym floors. There will be a DJ from Cleveland’s DJ club handling the music. You can request song suggestions for the music list on the form located on the Trivory app.

Tickets are $10 and are currently on sale in the front office. You must sign the pledge before buying your ticket. This pledge can also be found in the front office. Once you buy your ticket, you will also receive a cardstock version to keep for memories. The money raised will go towards school funding and Communicare. Communicare is a philanthropy organization that Cleveland participates in to help out with problems in our community. The dance will also provide food from food carts and the culinary class outside in a heated covered pavilion.

If you want to invite a guest who does not attend Cleveland, they must be 18 or under and you can get the guest form for them in the front office.

“Everyone should go because we’re helping raise money for not only our school but our community,” said senior Bailey Steinmeyer, leadership student. He added that it will be “fun, chill, and it’s a part of the high school experience where you get to hang out with your peers and make memories.”