24-Hour Fitness on McLoughlin Boulevard has become the hottest spot in town for high schoolers. This gym will always accommodate you, no matter your schedule, hence the name. Besides being a place to work out, “24” has turned into a social spot for Cleveland students. These gym goers are passionate about their commitment to the activity and have mixed emotions about the social aspect.
People start their gym journeys for different reasons, but the general consensus we gathered is the location; it’s in close proximity to people’s houses. It is conveniently located in between the Sellwood and Hosford-Abernathy neighborhoods, making it a close option for many students. Over half of the students we surveyed stated that the reason they chose 24 was because of how close it was to them.
Another perk of the gym’s proximity is that it makes it easy to go with friends. Some find this to be the more enjoyable option, while others tend to avoid the crowds. Senior Dorjee Tugdul notes, “At first it’s motivating, and then it can become distracting. It’s a mixture of both.”
Additionally, senior Liam Connors notes that while working out with friends can get you off task, it makes for a much more enjoyable gym session. “Oooh it’s distracting. It’s definitely distracting. Working out by yourself is more like you’re locked in, but I usually go with friends because going alone isn’t as fun.”
Due to the popularity of groups exercising together, if you do end up going alone expecting to have a quiet gym session, the crowds of your fellow students can be jarring. “I go late at night because I want it to be empty,” says senior Liv Mistkawi. “I don’t want anyone I know to be there.”
Knowing when the gym is busiest is key to avoiding the masses. From our surveyed discussions, 6-10 p.m. tends to be the most popular time to go. Those who prefer a more peaceful gym setting like to go later in the evening, or during the school day when they have free periods.
Whether you choose to go with friends or not, 24 Hour Fitness has turned into a social spot that comes with its benefits and disadvantages. The point is, the Warriors love the gym and senior Wade Schroedel said it best: “It’s a good community. It’s classic.”
Cleveland’s Social Spot: 24 Hour Fitness
February 20, 2024
Clarion photo 24 Hour Fitness Website
People exercising on the treadmills.
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About the Contributors
Vivi Golomb, Print Co-Editor in Chief
Hi, my name is Vivi and I’m a senior at Cleveland High School. This is my second year on The Clarion, and I’m the co-editor-in-chief of the print newspaper.
Sarah Pender, Print Co-Editor In Chief
My name is Sarah, I’m a Senior at Cleveland, and this is my second year on the Clarion. I am the co-editor-in-chief of the print newspaper, I write stories for Student Life, and I co-created the student-favorite “Hot Takes” column.