Cleveland Sundancers Qualify for Category Championships
December 1, 2015
The Sundancers are off to a great start to their season, with three great competitions under their belt, they are ready for more. At each of their competitions so far this year, they have placed in the top 50 percent in the state.
Junior Sundancer Anna Litchman explained how proud she is of the team this year. “It’s been really great seeing all of the team’s hard work pay off,” she said. Coach Ana Reiser added, “The team has done wonderfully so far this year. It is hard to put into words the amount of passion each dancer has and how much it drives them to succeed as individuals and as a team.”
The Sundancers have a non-stop season; they have tryouts in the spring, daily workouts during the summer, practice during the fall season, which leads to competition season in the late fall and goes through state in the spring. And then it starts all over again. It’s no question that the Sundancers are committed to their sport, and this year, all the hard work is paying off. The girls have qualified for the Category Championships, which coach Reiser describes as “the biggest competition at the end of the fall season where teams compete with their qualifying ‘category’ routines, such as contemporary and pom, which are the two styles of dance that the Sundancers have qualified in this year.”
Although it is not the first year that the Sundancers have qualified, it is the first time that they are able to go, and coach Reiser is excited to see what they will do. “My hope is that the team goes out there and shows the audience and the judges how hard they have worked this season,” she said.
After Category Championships, the Sundancers then start to prepare their state routine, which they will perform at the state competition in March. Reiser explains her hopes for the rest of the season following this competition: “I hope that the team will continue practicing with their time off during winter break so that we can come back in 2016 full force and be just as successful as we have been this fall season!” she said.

Cleveland Sundancers performing their contemporary dance to “The Humbling River” by Puscifer