As a senior IB diploma candidate, I have a good perspective on the pros and cons of the IB diploma, as well as some ways to make it as painless as possible. Firstly, I believe...
“Representation matters.” For J.D. Elquist, that driving principle applies at the global, local, individual, and spiritual levels. As an Alaskan Native, Elquist values...
The Jan. 7 Portland Public Schools Board Meeting led to a vote on a bond package vote set for $1.83 Billion in May, which would go towards the renovations of Cleveland and...

In a Jan. 22 press conference, Superintendent Kimberlee Armstrong announced PPS’s proposed reductions in staffing and programs necessary to manage the upcoming budget deficit....
In 2025, PPS must cut $40 million from its $800 million budget. In the past year, it has already slashed more than $30 million, which resulted in the loss of 200 jobs, everywhere...