Cleveland’s choir and band performed well at the PIL Solo and Ensemble championships on Feb. 26, earning numerous titles and sending several students to state.
In choir, senior Olivia Carlson won the PIL title in mezzo, with Tonantzin Ramirez claiming second, and will be an alternate at state. Elijah Tinker took second as well in the tenor competition and will also be an alternate.
In band, Annecy Rice was the PIL champion in flute, Alice Bokman in oboe, Cooper Headrick in bass clarinet, Remi Vasquez in horn, Tai Friel in trombone, Stella Tinker in Euphonium, Eden Warmflash in orchestral snare, and Eli Amundson in bass viol.
Cleveland won several ensemble categories in choir and band, including the small treble vocal ensemble, the large treble vocal ensemble, Cleveland Double Reed Duet in the small woodwind ensemble, Middle Part Trio in the small brass ensemble, Cleveland Brass Quintet in the large brass ensemble, and The Librarians in the small percussion ensemble.
Several solo and ensemble performers were named as alternates to state. They were Camille Bourgoine and Annika Stadler in flute; Maya Faulhaber in oboe; Vince Randol, Ariah Piper and Jackson Kohler in bassoon; Cooper Headrick in clarinet; Will Walker in high clarinet; Sebastian Elder in trumpet; Jack Schauer in horn; Nathan Julian in tuba; Ansel Harris Crowne in mallets; Jesse Broderick in percussion; the Cleveland Trio in small treble vocal ensemble; Cleveland Woodwind Duet, Cleveland Woodwind Quartet and Too Soons in small woodwind ensemble; Five Fantastic Flutes, Double Reed Ruckus, and Cleveland Woodwind Quintet in large woodwind ensemble; Northeast Portland Duet in small brass ensemble; Detroit Pistons in large brass ensemble; Harmonic Battery, and We Can’t Dance in small percussion ensemble; and Fleety Tweety Birds in large percussion ensemble,
PIL Solo and Ensemble Results
Cleveland’s choir and band students earn numerous PIL titles
April 8, 2024
Clarion photo Martin Heim
Theodore Hildebrand-Faust on bass, Albert Leong on piano, Tonantzin Ramirez on bongos, Jesse Broderick on timbales, and Anwar Laraway on drums.