Night of Ashes


Night of Ashes

The highly expected and anticipated show awaited by many at Cleveland, Night of Ashes, is almost amongst us. Many people can’t wait for the opportunity to witness first hand the theater’s version of the world’s most beloved role-playing system Pathfinder, known to many as Dungeons and Dragons. It is categorized to be a high fantasy role playing, adventurous, and a hero journey play.
“We are taking a story with permission and help from the publishing company and we’re putting the story that they have made into an adventure and putting it up on the stage, as well as making it our own,” said Thomas Beckett, Cleveland’s drama teacher.
Night of Ashes will be about a young woman who is following in her father’s footsteps while trying to do the right thing, but is confronted by the fact that to get to where she wants she will need allies to get there. The protagonist in the story will be thrown multiple challenges in which she needs to be able to protect a group of actors from falling into the clutches of a strange newcomer in the town who wants to dominate everybody. In the play, the audience will see how the characters go from place to place trying to escape and liberate themselves from the bad guy who is also burning down buildings alongside his minions.
It’s great to know all about the play and see what it’s about, but it wouldn’t be put together without the actors who bring it to life. First off, let’s start with the defenders of the city (the good guys): Cameron Fuller, the lead actor, will be playing Maralictor Flaminia Sabinus, a female knight. I think this idea is incredible since knights aren’t usually girls, and I think that Night of Ashes will bring a whole new outlook to how females and males are viewed. The powerful “evil” character will be played by an adult actor named William Brian, who the drama company has hired to fit the role.
Other roles include Rexus Victocora played by Gavin Mccartney, Niko Hellman as Alaria Longroad, and Genevie Hinged, portrayed by Max Friedenwald-Fishman.
Now to the bad the guys: we have the evil sorceress played by Izzy McTighe, and a swordswoman played by Emma Hausafus. Logan Watkins will portray a pirate as well. As said by Beckett, junior William Balmer will have a small role in which Beckett insists he will be unrecognizable. Balmer will be disguised as a devil who will fight Max Friedenwald-Fishman’s character Genevie Hinged.
As I’ve been told by many, Night of Ashes will be Cleveland’s biggest play of all time. “I’m so excited for it and I can’t wait to see it,” said Shayla Bailey, Cleveland junior.

The play will have so many wonderful things, and the theater department has gone all out by incorporating puppets, knights, stunts, and amazing costumes that fit in with the warrior era they’re going for. So let’s all go out and support our theater department at the Winningstad theater in Downtown Portland Nov. 27-28 at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and the last to experience the show will be Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. I promise this is a play you will not want to miss.