Top 10 DIY COVID-19 Remedies
May 28, 2020
You’ve heard of botox injections, but what about Clorox?
Go on a run- this must be why everyone’s doing it all of a sudden
Wear a mask when driving- apparently COVID is spread the most when you are in an enclosed space by yourself
Never wash your hands- that way you will build up an immunity
Become an anti-vaxxer- then COVID will be the least of your problems
Invest in a HAZMAT suit
Buy all the hand sanitizer- then you can bathe in it, drink it, etc.
Go ahead and buy all the toilet paper while you’re at it, just for laughs
Book a flight to Florida- apparently it just doesn’t affect people down there
Cough into your hands- you don’t want to spread germs into your elbow, that’s how we shake hands now