Soccer Training Ramps-up as Season Approaches
Clarion photo Cody Ho
Cleveland sports teams have been working out at the stadium field since the fall in preparation for the upcoming season.
With the end of the first school semester, there lies hope that Cleveland athletes will have an opportunity to compete in a competitive season. Soccer trainings have transitioned from distanced practice into competitive preparation for the upcoming spring season that has been outlined by the OSAA (Oregon School Activities Association).
The OSAA had announced a four-season schedule that would allow for sports to take place in the spring. The schedule states that competitive sports such as soccer, cross country, and volleyball could see a return to competition as soon as Feb. 22.
As this date approaches, high school teams such as the Cleveland soccer team have begun preparations for a season of games. Previously, practices were held with social distancing, causing many sports to be altered or canceled in order to comply with the set guidelines. With the updated rulings, soccer is seeing a return to normalcy, allowing for players and coaches to properly prepare for the upcoming season.
While soccer is to still be played whilst wearing masks, minimal contact has been re-introduced to practices. Guidelines provided by the OSAA state that “physical distancing measures shall be in place at all times other than when engaged in competition.” This means that soccer players are now able to compete normally, however, players are asked to socially distance as much as they can between and after playing.
Even though trainings are still far from normal, the introduction of contact has sparked hope among athletes to compete in an actual season soon. While the season is expected to be played wearing masks and with a restricted number of audience members, players are still grateful to be able to get back on the field with more routine trainings.
Junior goalkeeper Ibrahm Garza expressed his excitement for the chance of a competitive, Covid-safe season, stating, “the re-introduction of contact has made for more competitive practices and I really look forward to the upcoming season.”
As for the likelihood of a brief but legitimate season occurring, things are still uncertain. A season will only be made possible if Covid cases are minimal and it is safe to do so. Regardless, boys soccer coach Nick Yoder still felt that he’d be “shocked if [the team] didn’t at least start the season and play in several games.”
Despite the occurrence of a season being uncertain, players and coaches are still training hard like any other full-fledged season. The boys soccer has a camp week starting Feb. 8 and tryouts for both boys and girls soccer are taking place Feb. 22-24. (more information can be found at Whether this preparation will pay off, only time will tell.