Cleveland Auditorium Finished at Last

Clarion photo Ashley Lytle

By Adriana Milian-Hernandez, Reporter Liaison

The drama department kicked off its fall season in style recently, when the curtain opened on the successful play “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung you in the Closet and I’m Feelin’ so Sad,” highlighting the upgrades on stage.

Out of the district’s $10 million capital fund, $350,000 was used to upgrade the electrical panel and system to an advanced computerized version. In addition, other safety upgrades included rehanging the curtains and installing six motorized riggings.

The upgrades came to fruition after theater teacher Tom Beckett worked with now-retired principal Paul Cook to secure the funding. Beckett insisted on the upgrades due to safety concerns.

While construction crews worked on the upgrades last year, Beckett and the theater department made due with the complications that ensued. The theater department borrowed space at other theaters such as the Winningstad theater in downtown Portland, and they used the mini-stage in Beckett’s classroom.

“It’s way better and more cost efficient that [the plays are] at Cleveland,” said Hannah Welsh, senior. “Transportation is cheaper, and it’s more fun to go to a play that’s at your school, and it’s way easier to get the news.”

“We really adored having the lights, and everything fixed in the auditorium. It made everything really interesting, but as far as the physical stage goes it’s always been about conducting the energy off the stage in our performances,” said Mackenzie Potter-Moen, a junior at Cleveland on the happiness all the theater production felt when they performed on the stage for the first time in a year.